Welcome to the AREA41 2024 Badge
Here you can find additional details of the badge.
- ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 chip
- It uses Bluetooth for communication
- eInk Display
- USB-C charging port
- Akku
Initial setup:
At the beginning you setup the game by selecting 1 of 4 factions. Select with A and B and confirm with the Y button.
Then you select your Avatar for the game. Select with A and B and confirm with the Y button.
Main Menu:
- Show your nickname - Shows the set nick name. You can change it in Settings
- Ogle me - select 1 of 5 pairs of eyes to be displayed. Invert it with Y button.
- Tic Tac Toe - play a game of TTT. Don't worry it's not as smart as WOPR or Joshua.
- Bulls and Cows - a little game of mastermind, you need a Browser that supports WebBLE to play. (No, Safari on iPhone does not work)
- Cyberpunk Mode - a BTL game. Once it detects a different faction you can try and attack it. Gain exprience points or loose health.
- config - Here you can update some of the badge settings with a WebBLE browser
- pushing the padlock button changes the LED color mode
- pushing the padlock button for 1s+ shuts off the LEDs and puts the badge in deep sleep
- If you disconnect the battery the display will stay at the last image
- Without BTLE the battery should last for 2days, but you can charge at any time
Change your nick name from a phone
You can use a BTLE app on a smart phone to interact with the badge.
We had good success with the "nRF connect" app from Nordic Semiconductors, but you can obviously use any app you have.
- Make sure your badge is in the settings menu - to ensure BTLE is enabled
- Find the badge tag in the app and connect to it
- Find the attribute of it that you can write to
- Switch to UTF-8 and type in your new nick name
- Click write to send the data to your badge
- You can now exit the settings menue (X button) and display your nick
There are a few eastereggs, once you find the first one a hidden menu will be displayed. One of them gives you a chance for a big price.
In the settings mode type:
PPPPPPPPPP (10x) shows the QR code for the raffle
ABABYYABBA (Show the hidden Menu)
ABYABYYABB (Havoc with BLE spam)
PYYPABBAAP (Battery check)
Set the nickname over BLE to the following
iacceptthetrisk (allows to activate a rubber ducky payload as USB keyboard)
picsoritdidnothappen (gives you a selection of pictures)
You can find them for example by dumping the fimrmware, we will update with more details later.
Thank you!
Big thanks to hands-on-security for the great help with the badge and A. and F. for the hard work on the firmware.